The anaerobic biotransformation of TCE was investigated during the granulation process by reducing the HRT and increasing the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and TCE loadings in a 21 laboratory-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. Anaerobic unacclimated sludge and glucose were used as seed and primary substrate, respectively. Initial granules were developed after 1.5 months of start-up, which grew at an accelerated pace for 7 months and then became fully grown. The effect of operational parameters such as influent TCE concentrations, COD and TCE loading, food to microorganism (F/M) ratio and specific methanogenic activity (SMA) were also considered during granulation. The granular sludge cultivated had a maximum diameter of 2.5mm and SMA of 1.32gCOD(gTSSday)(-1) while 94% COD and 90% TCE removal efficiencies were achieved when the reactor was operating at loading rates as high as 160mgTCE(lday)(-1) and 14gCOD(lday)(-1), respectively after 230 days of continuos operation. This corresponds to HRT of 0.28 day and F/M ratio of 0.60 gCOD (gTSS day)(-1). Kinetic coefficients of k (maximum specific substrate utilization rate), K-s (half velocity coefficient), Y (growth yield coefficient) and b (decay coefficient) were determined to be 2.38 mgCOD (mgTSS day)(-1), 108mgCODl(-1), 0.17mgTSS(mgCOD)(-1) and 0.015 day(-1), respectively during TCE biotransformation based on glucose-COD during granulation.