Extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) is under discussion to be implemented in the production of chips as early as 2005 to 2007 for reducing structures in semiconductor devices to below 70 mn. The challenging task of developing optical components and radiation sources within this short period of time is pushing technology, As discharge produced and laser produced plasmas are, the main candidates for EUV-sources, plasma technology is forced to leap forward significantly. Progress in EUV-sources is expected to open EUV-technology for other applications in science, and technology with increased need for spatial resolution, elemental contrast or sensitivity. Various technical concept,,, for realising high power sources for EUV lithography are under investigation world-wide. Laser produced and discharge produced plasmas are the must promising schemes. Discharge produced pinch plasmas in general are of special interest, because their prospected costs (esp. cost, of ownership) for the demanded throughput is expected to be much lower than with laser produced plasmas. However, the discharge plasmas are of high risk, because many crucial tasks have to be solved before reaching the required power levels. Beside the optimisation of the EUV-generation - which is the key to build the most reliable device with demanded EUV power - the success will depend on the individual technical aspects of each source concept. Currently investigated pinch plasma concepts are evaluated based on their potential to be upgraded to fulfil the challenging demands of EUV-lithography.