Both UN Agenda 2030 and the Directive n. 2014/95/EU have recently promoted a marked improvement in sustainability disclosure, especially for larger companies or groups. Starting from this premise, we carried out an original study on the financial materiality of the E-S-G (environmental, social and governance) information of primary companies listed on major European indices in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Spain (BEL, CAC, DAX, FTSE-MIB, IBEX). Within the Stakeholder Theory and the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)-Corporate Social Perfomance (CSP) framework, our empirical analysis examined the impact of non-financial results (assessed through sustainability indicators) on economic (financial and market) performance in the timespan 2014-2017. We propose a different approach from previous studies, based on a PLS (Partial least squares)/SEM (Structural equation modeling) methodology together with the unprecedented consideration of "ESG" measures (Environmental, Social and Governance), either absolute (scores) or relative (extra-performance over industry sector). We find that, despite the absolute level of the individual ESG scores not being impactful, the "distance" from the industry average-normal figures (excess or abnormal ESG performance) is positively relevant, collaterally revisiting the notion of competitive advantage in sustainability terms. Corporate size is shown to be a significant background factor (as slack resources proxy). Social, environmental and governance responsibility (to all stakeholders) appear to be important as a competitive factor of the modern firm.