Landsat-based land-use land-cover (LULC) mapping studies were previously conducted in Giba catchment, comprising an area of 4019 km(2). No attempt has been done to map LULC of this catchment through the analysis of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time-series data. This article is aimed to see whether time-series MODIS NDVI data set is applicable for LULC mapping of Giba catchment or not. MODIS NDVI data sets of the year 2010 were used for classification analysis. The original data were subjected to MODIS Reproduction Tool and stacking. The re-projected and stacked images were filtered using Harmonic Analysis of Time-Series filtering algorism to remove the effects of cloud and other noises. The MODIS NDVI data sets (16-day maximum value composite) were classified using the ISODATA clustering algorithm available under ERDAS IMAGINE software. A series of unsupervised classification runs were carried out with a pre-defined number of classes (5-24). From this classification, the optimal numbers of classes were determined to be eight after checking for average divergence analysis. The classification result became eight LULC classes namely: bare land, grass land, irrigated land, cultivated land, area closure, shrub land, bush land, and forest land with an overall accuracy of 87.7%. It was therefore concluded that MODIS NDVI time-series image is applicable for mapping large watersheds.