A Language Learning Object Repository (LLOR) was developed in an attempt to respond to the challenge of increasing costs of printed educational resources, the lack of which results in generally poor performances by second language English school goers. The overall research approach adopted was critical realism, using Archer's morphogenetic action research cycle. The resulting LLOR is then a type of mechanism for generating and archiving educational resources, and is intended primarily for teachers although it supports students as well. The use of a user-contributed model in the design of the LLOR anticipates the challenge of providing direct support (editorial), as with new resources having to be added by the researcher only, by having users contribute resources as well; moreover consumers more easily accept user-contributed models when they are also contributors. The iterative design of the LLOR followed a series of piloting of different application stacks including MediaWiki, TikiWiki CMS and Joomla. Moodle was chosen as the most suitable product as it facilitates the sharing of content using Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) and can also easily be packaged in an offline self-contained pack for distribution to users who have limited Internet access. Three user groups comprising experts (those proficient with web and computer technologies), teachers (a representative group of second language teachers of English) and students (a mix of second and first language English learners) were asked to test-drive the LLOR and respond to questions asked about its ease of use and potential. Modifications were made based on their input. The key to facilitating access and usage of resources like this LLOR is to make it accessible through different devices, especially mobile devices (e. g. mobile phones, tablets and netbooks); future development will prioritise a mobile-ready version of the LLOR.