To ensure the safety of concrete structures under fatigue loading, the fatigue crack propagation in concrete needs to be evaluated accurately. In this paper, a numerical method for mixed mode I-II fatigue crack propagation in concrete is proposed, in which the stress intensity factor (SIF)-based crack propagation criterion is employed, and the degradation of the cohesive force under fatigue loading is considered quantitatively. To validate the applicability of the numerical method, the mixed mode I-II fatigue fracture test of the three-point bending (TPB) beam is conducted. The fatigue crack propagation length is measured with the digital image correlation (DIC) method. Eventually, the applicability of the numerical method is validated by a reasonable agreement between the numerically derived crack propagation path, crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD), crack mouth sliding displacement (CMSD), crack propagation length, and mode I SIF and the experimental results. It is concluded that the proposed numerical method can be used to evaluate the mixed mode I-II fatigue crack propagation process of concrete when the initial fracture toughness, Poisson's ratio, and Young's modulus under static loading and the tension-softening constitutive relation under fatigue loading are given. In addition, the experimental results indicate that the mixed mode I-II fatigue failure of concrete occurs when the mode I SIF reaches a critical value, regardless of the fatigue load level and the fatigue life. The numerical results show that the mixed mode I-II fatigue crack propagation path is independent of the fatigue load level and approximately identical to that under static loading.