The paper explores the effects of organisational change on UK managers' perceptions of their organisation and on their well-being. Cost reduction is the prime driver for change and has been implemented using delayering, redundancy, downsizing and off-shoring often supported by culture change programmes. These changes have resulted in work intensification, have not delivered productivity gains and have had a negative effect on managers' well-being. The effects of change were perceived differently by directors and other managers. Despite continuous cost reduction, productivity in the UK remains below that of European competitor nations. This calls into question the prevailing cost reduction ethos as a means of delivering increased productivity in the UK.
ANNAs Adm Specialty Practice Network, Pitman, NJ 08071 USA
ANNAs Nephros South Chapter, Pitman, NJ 08071 USAANNAs Adm Specialty Practice Network, Pitman, NJ 08071 USA