In Algeria and since 2000, two published geoid models have been produced by the Geodetic Laboratory of the National Centre of Space Techniques using different data sets and techniques. Although these results were satisfactory and internally consistent they do not have the required accuracy to be able to transform a CPS ellipsoidal height to an orthometric height. Recently, the quantity and quality of terrestrial gravity data increased slightly and, especially, several new geopotential models from the recent satellite missions (e.g., GRACE) were released. At the same time, the new high-resolution SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) global DEM was constructed. The main purpose of this paper is to study the impact of the above new data on geoid heights in Algeria. For this reason, a new gravimetric geoid determination has been carried out including these new data. This solution was based on the land gravity data supplied by the BGI (Bureau Gravimetrique International), Digital Elevation model derived from SRTM for topographic correction and the optimal gravity field model GRACE (EIGEN-GL04C), which were combined using the remove-restore technique in connection with the Fast Fourier transformation technique. This gravimetric geoid and previous geoids existing for this study area are compared to the geoid undulations corresponding to 62 CPS/levelling points located in northern part of Algeria. The study shows that the new gravimetric geoid model agrees considerably better with GPS/levelling than any of the other local geoid models in the tested area. Its standard deviation fit with GPS/levelling data are +/- 27 and +/- 25.0 cm before and after fitting using the four-parametric model as corrector surface in minimizing the long-wavelength geoid errors and the datum inconsistencies between our height data and GPS. The new geoid model will be used in low accuracy scientific applications and in low-order levelling network densification with regard to the national levelling network coverage considered as good in the north and becomes poor in the south and west of the country. It is an important contribution to geophysics, because it can provide a constraint for density distribution, thermal state of the lithosphere and viscosity in the mantle. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.