This 376-page book presents and describes Trends and Directions in Climate Research, volume 1146. The book is organized into 17 individually authored chapters. The first chapter deals with ship's logbooks in climatological research, reflections and prospects. The second chapter deals with the ENSO signal in the stratosphere. The third chapter describes hemispheric asymmetries in the quasibiennial oscillation signature. Other chapters include role of stochastic forcing on the behavior of thermohaline circulation, classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns, the intra-Americas sea low-level jet, and large scale factors in tropical and extratropical cyclone transition and extreme weather events. Remaining chapters include the impact of North Atlantic wind and cyclone trends on European precipitation, identification and climatology of cut-off lows near the tropopause, spatio-temporal upwelling trends, and advances in urban climate modeling. The book highlights a list of contributors and their respective institutions. Each chapter contains a list of references. The text is written in English and indexed by subject with figures. Users of this book will include climatologists, geophysicists, and environmental biologists.