In the conditions of financial crisis, one of the most vulnerable social institutes is family. Being a fundamental condition of functioning of the Russian society and the most important element of its self-organization, family should be the object of special attention from the state and society, as well as other social institutes and even business. Based on complex analysis of experience of supporting family at the federal and regional level, the following socio-economic mechanisms of support are determined: social transfers, social vouchers, social insurance, social outsource, and corporate social responsibility. The article presents socially significant tasks for family and society and analysis of experience of solving them by means of implementing one of the most distributed mechanisms of state support for Russian families -social transfers. By the example of maternity capital, experience of usage of this mechanism at the federal and regional levels in view of local peculiarities is presented. One of the private mechanisms of support for the institute of family, which is implemented by the Russian business society, -corporate social responsibility is characterized. By the example of companies of various spheres, corporate programs for supporting the families of companies' employees are analyzed -in the sphere of recreation, culture, sports, formation of healthy living, private pension provision, development of creativity, construction of accommodation, development of public space and parks, etc.