Consumer behaviour in the context of the marketing of manufacturing, service supply or retail enterprise may only be explained on condition that the consumer's attitude, the activation processes taking place in his/her psyche (activation proper, motivation and emotion) and the cognitive processes (perception, learning and storing information in memory) are properly understood. Additionally, individual (personality, degree of involvement in decision-making, lifestyle), social (roles and status, reference groups, family) and cultural factors (culture, subculture, traditions) make a significant contribution to the shaping/creation of the image perceived by consumers with respect to a particular performace (Krober-Riel et al., 2010: p. 274; Foscht & Swoboda, 2011: p. 31). This is also the context within which the present scientific approach wishes to develop a theoretical model derived from the technical literature. When it becomes operational, this model may contribute not only to highlighting the processes taking place in the mind of the consumer but also to explaining the manner in which the latter may establish a bond between himself/herself and a retail brand, thus displaying loyalty for the brand.