Lack of synchronism between VSC-HVDC (Voltage Source Converter -High Voltage Direct Current) connected offshore wind farm and onshore grid leads to immunity of wind turbines to grid contingencies. Focusing on DFIG (Doubly Fed Induction Generator) based wind farms; this paper has presented a univalent control structure based on inertial and primary frequency response in which DC link voltage is utilized as synchronization interface. Based on the presented structure, four approaches based on the communication system, frequency, voltage and combined frequency and voltage modulation are utilized and compared to inform the onshore grid status to individual wind turbines. Considering Kondurs two area power system, results have revealed that all four approaches have similar ability (with negligible error) in offering inertial and primary frequency response to improve slow network oscillations. On the other hand, voltage and combined frequency and voltage modulation approaches have the ability to satisfy Fault Ride Through (FRT) requirements thanks to superior dynamics. However, communication and frequency modulation approaches lose that ability as communication and frequency measurement delays increase respectively. It has been concluded that combined frequency and voltage modulation, as the superior approach, has advantages like minimum FRT DC voltage profile increase and deviation from operating point after the fault, the minimum imposition of electrical and mechanical stress on DFIG and preservation of prevalent control structure thanks to appropriate dissociation between slow and fast dynamics. (c) 2019. CBIORE-IJRED. All rights reserved