The idea of moving mass calibration (MMC) of relative gravity meters dates back to the seventies of the last century. Probably the MMC apparatus built in the underground Matyashegy Gravity and Geodynamics Laboratory Budapest has been used most extensively and several spring type instruments (LaCoste and Romberg and Scintrex) have been investigated and calibrated by it. Its test mass is a cylindrical ring having a weight of 3 tons. Its main advantage is simplicity in terms of metrology. The same principle and technology can be used to test compact tilt sensors having nanoradian resolution capability. Up to now rigorous testing methods below microradian range were not available in practice. The analysis of the so-called off-axis variation of the gravitational vector generated by the vertical movement of the cylindrical ring mass of the Matyashegy MMC device, however, showed that a sufficiently accurate reference signal having (15 & PLUSMN; 0.02) nrad peak-to-peak amplitude can be provided for calibration. It is just in the range of tilt induced by earth tide effect, which is a "standard " signal component in the time series recorded in observatory environment. In the first part of the paper, a discussion of the proposed methodology of tilt meter calibration is given. Then the analysis of the effect of volumetric discretization of the cylindrical ring on the accuracy of calibration is provided. Finally, possible material inhomogeneities of the ring mass and their gravitational effects are investigated by forward simulations and inversion. For this purpose the results of 300 gravimeter calibration experiments, analysed and published earlier, were utilized.