The need for comprehensive and reliable risk management of chemicals requires appropriate information, data integration, and sharing, as suggested in Europe by Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation. REACH requires more sharing of responsibilities among authorities, chemical manufacturers, importers, and users to manage the risks that chemicals can pose to human health and the environment throughout their life cycle. This has obviously enlarged the audience of people who could be interested in gathering this information. A major bottleneck is that information sources on chemicals are frequently sparsely distributed, collected, and managed by different institutions, with different aims, resulting in several practical problems. This article describes the conceptual design and implementation of a free online access database (DESC) as an integrated information system on chemical substances in compliance with the REACH regulation. An interdisciplinary approach was applied by involving several experts from different disciplines (ecotoxicologists, chemists, information technology specialists, regulators). DESC contains relevant environmental and toxicological data (physico-chemical and ecotoxicological data, inclusion in priority lists, current classification and labeling, etc.) on more than 651 chemicals, which can be easily consulted by people with different degrees of expertise interested in knowing the risk from exposure to chemicals and their safe use.