The development dynamics of the digital marketing system in the management of the informa-tion resources of libraries in the digital environment, which is widely explained in the article, reflects the main characteristics of modern libraries. Modern librarians should create ample opportunities for readers, whose demand is increasing and expanding day by day, to quickly receive unique and fresh information through the digital catalogue, allowing to enter the global information space and use the universal intellectual potential. From this point of view, the important documents that have started a new stage in the development of library work in Azerbaijan, the organization of work with digital resources in libraries, are Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On improving the ac-tivities of libraries in Azerbaijan" (April 20, 2007) and "The State Program for the development of the library and information field in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2008-2013" (October 6, 2008). Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On some measures related to the improvement of manage-ment in the field of digitization, innovation, high technologies and communication in the Republic of Azerbaijan" (October 11, 2021) confirms the recognition by the Azerbaijani state of the construction of libraries as a priority area. In the article, the concept of information resources was analysed in the con-text of the library, and the place and role of digital marketing in this field was systematically studied. The study canvassed the concept of digital marketing of library, information and knowledge products and services among librarians in selected academic libraries in Azerbaijan. The authors explored the existence of the digital marketing concept in selected academic libraries, as well as the benefits derived from digital marketing of library, information and information products and services. Based on the results of the survey, it was concluded that certain information products and services can be priced, and that the centuries-old practice of providing all kinds of library, information and intellectual services free of charge should be reconsidered.