A survey was conducted between 2006 and 2008 in order to identify municipal solid waste (MSW) composition and its influence on leachate generation and to assess the amount of biogas yield from the Jebel Chakir landfill in Tunis City. The organic fraction was the predominant compound in the MSW, followed by paper, fine, plastic, leather, rubber, metal, textile, glass and ceramic. The average MSW moisture content varies from 60 % in the wet season to 80 % in the dry one. The recognised MSW composition is well representative if compared to that of cities in developing countries. A large leachate quantity is produced in the landfill of Jebel Chakir, despite the negative water balance of the site. Based on the annual MSW landfilled quantities and using the LandGEM model, the expected peak landfill gas (LFG) production is estimated to occur 1 year after the landfill closure with a rate of 3.53 x 10(7) m(3)/year. The analysis of the potential conversion of LFG to electric energy shows it at a total LFG-to-electricity energy of around 257 GWh with a heating value of 4,475 kcal/m(3) based on an LFG collection efficiency of 33 % and energy efficiency of 33 % giving an economic feasibility for a 10 MW power plant.