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- [41] Moonraker: Enceladus Multiple Flyby Mission[J]. PLANETARY SCIENCE JOURNAL, 2022, 3 (12):Mousis, O.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, France Inst Univ France IUF, Paris, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceBouquet, A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, PIIM, Marseille, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceLangevin, Y.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Paris Saclay, Inst Astrophys Spatiale, IAS, CNRS, Orsay, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceAndre, N.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Inst Rech Astrophys & Planetol, 9 Ave Colonel Roche, F-31028 Toulouse 4, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceBoithias, H.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Airbus Def & Space, Toulouse, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceDurry, G.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Reims, Grp Spectrometrie Mol & Atmospher, CNRS, UMR 7331, Campus Sci Exactes & Nat,BP 1039, F-51687 Reims, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceFaye, F.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Airbus Def & Space, Toulouse, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceHartogh, P.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Max Planck Inst Sonnensyst Forsch, Gottingen, Germany Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceHelbert, J.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: DLR, Inst Planetary Res, Berlin, Germany Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceIess, L.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento Ingn Meccan & Aerosp, Rome, Italy Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceKempf, S.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Colorado, LASP, Boulder, CO 80309 USA Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceMasters, A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Imperial Coll London, London, England Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FrancePostberg, F.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Free Univ Berlin, Inst Geol Sci, Berlin, Germany Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceRenard, J. -B.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Orleans, CNRS, CNES, LPC2E, 3A Ave Rech Sci, F-45071 Orleans 2, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceVernazza, P.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceVorburger, A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Bern, Phys Inst, Bern, Switzerland Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceWurz, P.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Bern, Phys Inst, Bern, Switzerland Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceAtkinson, D. H.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: CALTECH, Jet Prop Lab, 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena, CA 91109 USA Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceBarabash, S.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Swedish Inst Space Phys, Kiruna, Sweden Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceBerthomier, M.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ecole Polytech, Lab Phys Plasmas, Palaiseau, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceBrucato, J.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: INAF Astrophys Observ Arcetri, Florence, Italy Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceCable, M.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: CALTECH, Jet Prop Lab, 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena, CA 91109 USA Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceCarter, J.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceCazaux, S.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Delft Univ Technol, Fac Aerosp Engn, Delft, Netherlands Leiden Univ, Leiden Observ, POB 9513, NL-2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceCoustenis, A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Paris, Sorbonne Univ, PSL Univ, LESIA,CNRS,Paris Observ, F-92190 Meudon, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceDanger, G.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Inst Univ France IUF, Paris, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, PIIM, Marseille, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceDehant, V.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Royal Observ Belgium, 3 Ave Circulaire, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceFornaro, T.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: INAF Astrophys Observ Arcetri, Florence, Italy Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceGarnier, P.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Inst Rech Astrophys & Planetol, 9 Ave Colonel Roche, F-31028 Toulouse 4, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceGautier, T.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Paris, Sorbonne Univ, PSL Univ, LESIA,CNRS,Paris Observ, F-92190 Meudon, France Sorbonne Univ, LATMOS IPSL, CNRS, UVSQ UPSaclay, Guyancourt, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceGroussin, O.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceHadid, L. Z.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Paris Saclay, Sorbonne Univ, Ecole Polytech, Inst Polytech Paris,Lab Phys Plasmas LPP,CNRS,Obs, F-91120 Palaiseau, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceIze, J. -C.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceKolmasova, I.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Czech Acad Sci, Dept Space Phys, Inst Atmospher Phys, Prague 14100, Czech Republic Charles Univ Prague, Fac Math & Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceLebreton, J. -P.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Orleans, CNRS, CNES, LPC2E, 3A Ave Rech Sci, F-45071 Orleans 2, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceLe Maistre, S.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Royal Observ Belgium, 3 Ave Circulaire, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceLellouch, E.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Paris, Sorbonne Univ, PSL Univ, LESIA,CNRS,Paris Observ, F-92190 Meudon, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceLunine, J. I.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Cornell Univ, Dept Astron, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceMandt, K. E.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, Laurel, MD USA Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceMartins, Z.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Lisbon, Inst Mol Sci, Ctr Quim Estrut, Av Rovisco Pais 1, P-1049001 Lisbon, Portugal Univ Lisbon, Dept Chem Engn, Inst Super Tecn, Av Rovisco Pais 1, P-1049001 Lisbon, Portugal Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceMimoun, D.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Toulouse, ISAE SUPAERO, DEOS SSPA, Toulouse, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceNenon, Q.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Inst Rech Astrophys & Planetol, 9 Ave Colonel Roche, F-31028 Toulouse 4, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceMunoz Caro, G. M.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ctr Astrobiol INTA CSIC, Ctra Ajalvir,Km 4, E-28850 Madrid, Spain Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceRannou, P.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Reims, Grp Spectrometrie Mol & Atmospher, CNRS, UMR 7331, Campus Sci Exactes & Nat,BP 1039, F-51687 Reims, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceRauer, H.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: DLR, Inst Planetary Res, Berlin, Germany Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceSchmitt-Kopplin, P.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Max Planck Inst Extraterr Phys, Ctr Astrochem Studies, MPI MPE, Garching, Germany Helmholtz Munich, Analyt Biochem BGC, Ingolstaedter Landstr 1, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceSchneeberger, A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, France Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceSimons, M.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: CALTECH, Seismol Lab, 1200 E Calif Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceStephan, K.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: DLR, Inst Planetary Res, Berlin, Germany Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, FranceVan Hoolst, T.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Royal Observ Belgium, 3 Ave Circulaire, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium Aix Marseille Univ, Inst Origines, CNRS, CNES,LAM, Marseille, France
- [42] CNN-based Image Processing algorithm for autonomous optical navigation of Hera mission to the binary asteroid Didymos[J]. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 2023, 211 : 60 - 75论文数: 引用数: h-index:机构:论文数: 引用数: h-index:机构:Gil-Fernandez, Jesus论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: ESA ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, NL-2201 AZ Noordwijk, Netherlands Univ Strathclyde, Dept Mech & Aerosp Engn, 75 Montrose St, Glasgow G1 1XJ, Scotland
- [43] NEW HORIZONS NAVIGATION TO PLUTO[J]. GUIDANCE AND CONTROL 2008, 2008, 131 : 365 - 376Miller, James K.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Carranza, Eric论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Stanbridge, Dale R.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Williams, Bobby G.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0
- [44] New Horizons and the Pluto Flyby: a Flight Control Team's Story[J]. 2016 IEEE AEROSPACE CONFERENCE, 2016,Bucior, Sarah论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723 USA Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723 USASepan, Rebecca论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723 USA Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723 USABechtold, Katie论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723 USA Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723 USAJones, Melissa R.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723 USA Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723 USADharmavaram, Priya论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723 USA Johns Hopkins Appl Phys Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723 USA
- [45] An autonomous optical guidance and navigation around asteroids?[J]. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 1999, 44 (5-6) : 267 - 280Kawaguchi, J论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Inst Space & Astronaut Sci, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229, Japan Inst Space & Astronaut Sci, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229, JapanHashimoto, T论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Inst Space & Astronaut Sci, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229, Japan Inst Space & Astronaut Sci, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229, JapanMisu, T论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Inst Space & Astronaut Sci, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229, Japan Inst Space & Astronaut Sci, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229, JapanSawai, S论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Inst Space & Astronaut Sci, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229, Japan Inst Space & Astronaut Sci, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229, Japan
- [46] A Fast Pavement Location Approach for Autonomous Car Navigation[J]. PROGRESS IN PATTERN RECOGNITION IMAGE ANALYSIS, COMPUTER VISION, AND APPLICATIONS, CIARP 2014, 2014, 8827 : 844 - 851Rateke, Thiago论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Natl Brazilian Inst Digital Convergence, Lab Image Proc & Comp Graph, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, BrazilJusten, Karla A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Natl Brazilian Inst Digital Convergence, Lab Image Proc & Comp Graph, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, BrazilChiarella, Vito F.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Natl Brazilian Inst Digital Convergence, Lab Image Proc & Comp Graph, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, BrazilLinhares, Rodrigo T. F.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, BrazilSobieranski, Antonio Carlos论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Natl Brazilian Inst Digital Convergence, Lab Image Proc & Comp Graph, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Univ Fed Parana, Dept Informat, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, BrazilComunello, Eros论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Natl Brazilian Inst Digital Convergence, Lab Image Proc & Comp Graph, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, Brazilvon Wangenheim, Aldo论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Natl Brazilian Inst Digital Convergence, Lab Image Proc & Comp Graph, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Univ Fed Parana, Dept Informat, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Grad Program Comp Sci, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil
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