Eleven cultivars of garlic (Album sativum L.) were analyzed W with the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) approach. Total number of AFLP products from ten selective primer combinations was 1,026. Of these, the two kinds of band that affect clustering, specific and polymorphic bands, make up 84.5%. The number of polymorphic fragments by individual primer combinations greatly varied from 168 to 10 and the average polymorphic fragments per primer combinations was 54.2. Distance matrix and dendrogram were generated using simple matching coefficients and neighbor joining cluster analysis. The lowest total character difference was 24, shared by cultivars Sandong-beogu (ASS) and Sandong-taeahn (AS6). This study resulted in five distinct groups from eleven cultivars. The largest group included three subgroups such as Sandong cultivars (ASS, AS6 and AS7), three Seosan cultivars ((AS8, AS9 and As10), and cultivar Seocheon (AS11). The cultivars Namdo (AS2), Daeseo (AS3) and Seocheon-Jan (AS4), and cultivar Elephant (AS1) made up its own group, respectively. These data showed that culivars of Sandong and Seosan were clustered by high value of bootstrap. This study demonstrated that AFLP method can be used reliably to examine the genetic polymorphism and genetic relationships in different cultivars of garlic.