While most authors currently classify dural-based hemangiopericytoma (HPC) as a distinct entity rather than as a subtype of meningioma, the histogenesis of HPC has long been debated. We have recently shown that meningiomas contain frequent mutations of the neurofibromatosis 2 gene, while HPCs do not, suggesting that HPC is genetically distinct from meningioma. Tn the present study, we evaluated a series of 31 dural HPCs (including 3 pairs of primary and recurrent tumor) and 26 meningiomas for alterations in the cell-cycle regulatory genes CDKN2/p16 and p53. Homozygous deletions of the CDKN2/p16 gene were detected using a comparative multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay in 7 of 28 primary HPCs (25%), but in only one of 26 meningiomas (P = 0.03). Among the HPCs with recurrence, 1 pair of 3 had a homozygous CDKN2/p16 deletion. The 1 meningioma with a CDKN2/p16 deletion was a meningothelial meningioma, without atypical or malignant features. Single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis of all three exons of CDKN2/p16 and exons 5-8 of p53 revealed no mutations in either HPCs or meningiomas. These results illustrate that homozygous deletions of CDKN2/p16 occur in HPCs and suggest that alterations of the p16-mediated cell-cycle regulatory pathway may underlie the formation or progression of some HPCs. The data also provide further genetic evidence that HPC is not a subtype of meningioma.
Univ Bonn, DGNN Brain Tumor Reference Ctr, Dept Neuropathol, Med Ctr, Bonn, Germany
Inst Estadualdo Cerebro Paulo Niemeyer, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
IDOR Inst, Rio De Janeiro, BrazilUniv Bonn, DGNN Brain Tumor Reference Ctr, Dept Neuropathol, Med Ctr, Bonn, Germany