A large variety of platinum-group minerals (PGM) are associated with base-metal sulfides in the Wellgreen Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, Yukon. Various solid-solutions occur in this deposit: (1) palladoan melonite - merenskyite - moncheite, (2) testibiopalladite - michenerite, (3) sudburyite - kotulskite - sobolevskite - (Ni,Pd)(Te,Sb,Bi)(1+chi) (palladoan imgreite - palladoan melonite), and (4) breithauptite - sudburyite, The associated PGM and PGE-bearing phases are sperrylite, stibiopalladinite or mertieite II (or both), geversite. Pt-Pd-Fc-(Cu) alloys (Cu-Ni-rich tetraferroplatinum, and native platinum or isoferroplatinum), froodite (?), hollingworthite, laurite, native iridium, Rh-bearing cobaltite-gersdorffite, Pd-bearing ullmannite. and an unusual Re-Ir-Os-Ru alloy. The following are important characteristics of the PGM in the Wellgreen deposit: the,,cry small gain-size of most of the PGM, unusually broad ranges of compositions of the Pd-(Pt)-Ni-rich antimono- and bismuthotellurides, a significant extent of Ni incorporation in the Pd-(Pt) antimono- and bismuthotellurides, and the presence of an uncommon and complex solid-solution involving sudburyite, kotulskite, sobolevskite and Me(Te,Sb,Bi)(1+chi).