Open Data (OD) has become a necessity in developing countries as it can beneficial to all kinds of organizations; either government agencies or public sectors. OD consist all sorts of data like education, health, environment, transport, and agriculture with free access to the public However, the usage of OD is found to be low among users in Malaysia. In order to gain benefits of OD, this paper aims to identify the factors that influence OD adoption among users in Malaysia. Therefore, the paper begins by identifying the factors related to the adoption of OD from previous researches. Next, the frequency for each factor is examined. The findings indicated that Social Influence, Facilitating Condition, Perceived Ease of Use, Trust, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy and Voluntariness of Use, which has the highest frequency, are selected as the factors that can influence OD adoption in Malaysia. Based on the identified factors, an OD adoption model for Malaysia will be developed. This study will assist Malaysian government to increase OD adoption among users, to be eventually bettered for future use by the users.