The main goal of this research deals with the identification of university teachers' models of adoption the info-communicational technologies (ICT). The long-range purpose of this investigation is to cross-validate a sequential scale for university teachers, by the elaboration of a valid and reliable instrument for measuring technology adoption. From this scale, lectures would be placed either, in a previous level of e-learning, or in a hybrid modality of blended learning -if university teachers use the technological tools complementary, as supporters of their classes. This research is based on a project [1] with two long-term goals: first, to cross-validate measures of technology adoption; second, identify the potential impact of the adoption of the technology via several models. This paper addresses goal number one. The study presents an analytical process based on the expectancy-value model, theoretical and empirical, under the theory of Planned Behavior (Martin Fishebein & Icek Ajzen), sufficiently contrasted at an international level. Particularly the study identifies the main variables, behavioral and psychological, related to intentions and behaviors in using resources and tools associated with ICT. Taking into consideration the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) innovations from which, in short time, most universities and higher education centers will tend to promote b-learning as the main methodological proposal, outcomes from this study are clearly necessary to understand the intentions of use and the motivations of adoption technologies for several learning purposes. At a methodological level, from this understanding, is possible to promote a number of supporting mechanisms and strategies to accelerate and make more efficient transitions in the adoption of technologies, with improved process of technological implementation in teaching and learning.