The curriculum of a career in education that considers the technical teacher training is a theoretical and methodological approach based on a concept of lifelong learning, active and located in the sense of perspective of the learner and their context and mediate close, which makes use of various teaching aids, while mediated transfer of knowledge, all of which will find a profile that includes the skills that will enable professional performance in the field of education preparing for the job. From the perspective of the curriculum structure and teaching, the undergraduate career is organized under the categories of: Profile and skills-based curriculum; Modularized in the sense of complete units organized in technical and pedagogical training; Gradually, as conditions of entry skills and provides recognition of the pedagogical expertise. Integrated in the sense of being made up of lines that include aspects consistently founding, instrumental, and our own professional training. Integrated into the world of work, constitute a significant component progressive through specially designed curricular activities. To realize the above-mentioned approaches, it was felt necessary to establish a curriculum that met the following steps: Curriculum Analysis Curriculum Design Implementation Evaluation The Undergraduate Career was designed considering the recognition of 1,600 hours of specialty and educational training of 1,600 hours (16 modules). The presentation of this new career was made according to the following items: 1. Phases of a process of curriculum design and implementation 2. Justification of the Undergraduate Career 3. Teaching Model 4. Professional Profile 5. Graduate Profile 6. Curricular Steps (Modules) 7. Credits and hours 8. Itineraries 9. Virtual Career Platform 10. Sample Course (Design curriculum for technical education with a focus on skills) 11. Career Programs (Syllabus) a. Curriculum Design for technical education with a focus on skills. b. Theories of learning and life cycle c. Educational planning for technical education with a focus on skills d. Teaching technical education e. New technologies and learning environments f. Evaluation of technical learning g. Training and Liaison with the company h. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship i. Internship in the enterprise technology j. Ethics and professional development k. Communication workshop and professional development l. English language skills m. Pedagogical practice 1 n. Pedagogical practice 2 o. Professional practice 12. Professors 13. Physical Spaces 14. Financial Resources 15. Proposed Implementation Plan 16. System of recognition of prior learning 17. Curriculum Management System (Career Management) The curriculum design was implemented in a virtual platform and we are providing the first modules that are designed to prepare technical teachers with teaching skills in the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso. Chile