Mysterious forces are afoot that can cure an organization's most difficult problems and take it to new levels of innovation and resilience. For Weitzel and Had, the supernatural allies of choice are Ghosts. Ghosts are the elements that influence an organization's view of itself, its ways of working, and its culturally specific attitudes. Created by conflicting ideas or points of view, Ghosts lurk within organizational systems, remain hidden within conflicting issues, and attach themselves to impaired performance or overt and sudden conflicts with leaders. Make no mistake: They exert an indirect influence over everything that happens within an organization. If repressed, Ghosts can spoil trust and add to conflict. If discovered, however, they can inspire and inform. "Working with Ghosts requires strong facilitation skills and awareness," say the authors. You must initiate, explore, and then integrate them into your organization. Only when employees can speak freely and explore Ghosts' potential effects will they befriend or dispel the Ghosts within the system.