In this study, effects of increasing levels of wheat bran and barley flour on dough properties and bazlama quality were investigated. Bazlama is a flat bread commonly consumed in Turkey. Flours of wheat cultivars Gun and Gerek, flour of barley cultivar Tokak, and Gerek bran mixture were used. Part of the wheat flours were replaced with barley flour at 10, 20, 30, and 40% levels and Gerek bran mixture at 5, 10, 15, and 20% levels. Farinogram properties of mixtures were determined. Bazlama samples were subjected to sensory analysis for external appearance, shape and symmetry, crust color, crumb color and structure, mouthfeel, taste and aroma. Increasing levels of bran and barley flour caused decreases in all sensory properties. The deteriorative effect of barley flour on bazlama properties was generally more obvious when compared to bran supplementation. However, all bazlama samples were considered acceptable. Penetrometer values of bazlama samples showed that increasing levels of barley flour created significantly softer bazlama. However, in bran-supplemented bazlama samples, effect of bran on softness was found to be insignificant in both cultivars. Bazlama samples supplemented with bran had lower L values and higher a and b values for color when compared to those supplemented with barley flour. In all samples, effect of increasing levels of barley flour on residual beta-glucan was found to be insignificant in both cultivars. Acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber values increased with increasing levels of bran, and the changes in both cultivars were similar.