The establishment of the AEC in 2015 is expanded market, increase opportunity for SMEs, however, the market is more competitive in ASEAN. Nowadays, SMEs play significant roles in country economic. In order to survive during the transition period, SMEs need the correct supporting tools to improve their productivity and efficiency. Globally, the adoption of KM in SMEs is becoming widespread. Despite, a large number of studies on KM, only a few studies focus on SMEs especially in Thailand. Knowledge sharing is a key step in KM approach. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the current practice of Knowledge Sharing in Thai SMEs within the manufacturing sector. Questionnaires were distributed to SMEs in Thailand, via online and paper based version. The total numbers of responses were 311 respondents from 20 Thai SMEs in manufacturing sector. Overall, the result shown is the biggest cultural and practical barrier sharing is Knowledge sharing is an extra workload and lack of time, respectively.