Introduction. The problem of the risks of social communities included in the sphere of Russian higher education during the period of its active reformation has not yet become the object of research interest and integrated managerial impact in the short and long term. At the same time, competent risk management of the educational environment directly affects the process of innovation and their social consequences. The purpose of the article is to identify the opinions of teachers about the risks of the educational sphere that have the greatest impact on their professional activities and the development of higher education in general. Data and methods. This article is devoted to the analysis of this problem in relation to the community of university teachers. It is based on the materials of a sociological study conducted by the research team of the Ural Federal University in 2017-2018, which included a mass survey of teachers from the Ural Federal District. The total population included 51 universities of the district. In the course of the study, quota sampling was carried out (810 people). An expert survey was conducted (80 experts) of representatives of the professional pedagogical community who are actively involved in the processes of reforming higher education and the administration of universities at various levels (rectors, vice-rectors, directors of institutes, deans, heads of departments, etc.). Results. As part of our study, a typologization of the educational risks of the social community of teachers was created. It considers the allocation of several risk levels - institutional, community, individual and personal. Based on the results of surveys of teachers and expert interviews, the institutional risks associated with the process of higher education reforming and changes in the professional activities of teachers are analyzed. In general, the situation of uncertainty is uncomfortable for the teaching community. Most of the proposed risk behaviors are not acceptable for them, do not fit into the standards of professional culture, are rejected as unacceptable for their own professional development and effective reform of higher education in general. In many ways, this rejection is associated with a low assessment of the effectiveness of the efforts of educational management to introduce innovations, its inability to take into account the needs and capabilities of the teaching community. The situation is aggravated by a low level of trust in the educational policy of the federal and regional levels, as well as a feeling of social insecurity in the field of professional activity that arises in almost half of the teachers. Conclusions. For the transition of Russian higher education to a new management paradigm, a comprehensive analysis of educational risks, the study of risk behavior factors and the development of management strategies for leveling them are necessary. Work is needed on the construction of a comprehensive technology to reduce the impact of risk factors through the formation of a culture of trust in the educational sphere. The importance of this process is determined by the significance of its social consequences for the effective development of higher education, focused on the introduction of innovations.