The APOE epsilon 2, epsilon 3, and epsilon 4 alleles differentially impact various complex diseases and traits. We examined whether these alleles modulated associations of 94 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) harbored by 26 genes in 19q13.3 region with 217 plasma metabolites using Framingham Heart Study data. The analyses were performed in the E2 (epsilon 2 epsilon 2 or epsilon 2 epsilon 3 genotype), E3 (epsilon 3 epsilon 3 genotype), and E4 (epsilon 3 epsilon 4 or epsilon 4 epsilon 4 genotype) groups separately. We identified 31, 17, and 22 polymorphism-metabolite associations in the E2, E3, and E4 groups, respectively, at a false discovery rate P-FDR < 0.05. These entailed 51 and 19 associations with 20 lipid and 12 polar analytes. Contrasting the effect sizes between the analyzed groups showed 20 associations with group-specific effects at Bonferroni-adjusted P < 7.14E-04. Three associations with glutamic acid or dimethylglycine had significantly larger effects in the E2 than E3 group and 12 associations with triacylglycerol 56:5, lysophosphatidylethanolamines 16:0, 18:0, 20:4, or phosphatidylcholine 38:6 had significantly larger effects in the E2 than E4 group. Two associations with isocitrate or propionate and three associations with phosphatidylcholines 32:0, 32:1, or 34:0 had significantly larger effects in the E4 than E3 group. Nine of 70 SNP-metabolite associations identified in either E2, E3, or E4 groups attained P-FDR < 0.05 in the pooled sample of these groups. However, none of them were among the 20 group-specific associations. Consistent with the evolutionary history of the APOE alleles, plasma metabolites showed higher APOE-cluster-related variations in the E4 than E2 and E3 groups. Pathway enrichment mainly highlighted lipids and amino acids metabolism and citrate cycle, which can be differentially impacted by the APOE alleles. These novel findings expand insights into the genetic heterogeneity of plasma metabolites and highlight the importance of the APOE-allele-stratified genetic analyses of the APOE-related diseases and traits.