crimes against humanity and justice;
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Established in 2002, the ICC is a permanent court to try individuals who commit the world's most serious crimes: genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The ICC is a court of last resort and not a court of first instance. Several African states and the African union have criticized the indictments citing that the Court seems to be overly concentrating its efforts on the African continent. Factors such as the limitations imposed on the Court's jurisdiction and the lack of domestic or regional alternatives for prosecuting crimes against humanity. This article traced the origin of African dissent against the ICC and examined its implications on justice for victims, international law, as well as the future of the Court.
Korean Comm United Nations Childrens Emergency Fu, Pyongyang, North Korea
Int Criminal Court, The Hague, NetherlandsKorean Comm United Nations Childrens Emergency Fu, Pyongyang, North Korea