This study investigates the performance of eighteen different dense-graded asphalt mixtures paved in Missouri. The sections contain a wide range of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and recycled asphalt shingles (RAS), and different types of additives. The large number of sections investigated and the associated breadth of asphalt mixtures tested provided a robust data set to evaluate the range, repeatability, and relative values provided by modern mixture performance tests. As cracking is one of the most prevalent distresses in Missouri, performance tests such as the disk-shaped compact tension test (DC[T]) and Illinois flexibility index test (I-FIT) were used to evaluate the cracking potential of the sampled field cores. In addition, the Hamburg wheel tracking test (HWTT) was employed to assess rutting and stripping potential. Asphalt binder replacement (ABR) and binder grade bumping at low temperature were found to be critical factors in low-temperature cracking resistance as assessed by the DC(T) fracture energy test. Six sections were found to perform well in the DC(T) test, likely as a result of binder grade bumping (softer grade selection) or because of low recycling content. However, all of the sections were characterized as having brittle behavior by the I-FIT flexibility index. Service life and ABR were key factors in the I-FIT test. Finally, a performance-space diagram including DC(T) fracture energy and HWTT rut depth was used to identify mixtures with higher usable temperature interval (UTImix), some of which contained significant amounts of recycled material.