Industrial hazardous waste management involves the collection, transportation, treatment, recycling and disposal of industrial hazardous materials that pose risk to their surroundings. In this paper, a new multiobjective location-routing model is developed, and implemented in the Marmara region of Turkey. The aim of the model is to help decision makers decide on locations of treatment centers utilizing different technologies, routing different types of industrial hazardous wastes to compatible treatment centers, locations of recycling centers and routing hazardous waste and waste residues to those centers, and locations of disposal centers and routing waste residues there. In the mathematical model, three criteria are considered: minimizing total cost, which includes total transportation cost of hazardous materials and waste residues and fixed cost of establishing treatment, disposal and recycling centers; minimizing total transportation risk related to the population exposure along transportation routes of hazardous materials and waste residues; and minimizing total risk for the population around treatment and disposal centers, also called site risk. A lexicographic weighted Tchebycheff formulation is developed and computed with CPLEX software to find representative efficient solutions to the problem. Data related to the Marmara region is obtained by utilizing Arcview 9.3 GIS software and Marmara region geographical database. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.