New geological, isotopic-geochronological, petrochemical, and isotopic geochemical data were obtained on the Porosozero and Kolmozero sanukitoid intrusions in the Kola region. The Porosozero differentiated intrusion was formed in four phases successively emplaced during approximately 60 Ma. Phase 1 consists of a gabbrodiorite-quartz monzodiorite-granodiorite-granite series. The zircon ages of granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite from the Porosozero are 2733 +/- 6 and 2734 +/- 4 Ma, respectively. Phase 2 of the intrusion comprises biotite leucogranites and aplite and leucoplagiogranite veins. The zircon age of the leucogranite is 2712 +/- 6 Ma. Phase 3 consists of lamprophyre dikes of odinite-spessartite-vogesite composition. The emplacement age of the lamprophyres is constrained by the age of magmatic zircon from an odinite dike: 2680 +/- 10 Ma. The age of the metasomatic zircon is 2629 +/- 8 Ma. Phase 4 is composed of the youngest pegmatite veins. The Rb-Sr isochron age of the phase-1 rocks is 2724 +/- 74 Ma. The zircon age of granitoids from the Kolmozero is 2736 +/- 4 Ma. The rocks of the sanukitoid intrusions affiliate with the calc-alkaline series, have Mg# = 0.45-0.60, are enriched in Ba, Sr, K, P, and LREE, and contain elevated concentrations of Cr and Ni. Sm-Nd isotopic data on sanukitoids from both intrusions suggest that they were derived from a mantle source enriched in LILE and LREE and having E >(Nd)(2740) from +1.02 to +0.36. It was melted approximately 140 Ma after its origin [T(DM) = 2.9-2.8 Ga]. The rocks of the Porosozero and Kolmozero are proved to be similar to magmatic sanukitoid series of Archean and Phanerozoic age whose genesis was controlled by mantle-crustal interaction in suprasubduction environments at active continental margins. Elevated concentrations of Ag and Au in rocks from the Porosozero make it metallogenically promising in terms of precious metals.