In the context of debates about ensuring quality in education, the problem of students' transition from upper secondary into tertiary education and the increasing retention rate in the first year at the university, are key elements for educational strategies and policies. Innovative practices in education at international level also mention a new approach based on STEM fields, emphasizing the development of key competences, but also social-emotional skills for students learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The present paper analysis the main issues of a diagnosis study, carried out at the end of the 2016-2017 academic year, aiming to identify the specific factors and conditions which lead to poor academic results and to drop out for students in first year of faculty in University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. The profile of the first year student's becomes an essential starting point of establishing this approach in order to develop an objective diagnosis on factors and conditions to influence the increasing drop-out rates among university's students. As a result, the study investigates the student's opinions on some aspects considered by them important for the successful completion of the first year studies. Besides other aspects, the analysis includes specific references for curriculum, evaluation activities, but also for communication between teacher and students. Along with the feedback obtained from the teachers, student's motivation is equally important in order to stimulate the continuation studying, which relies on the level of personal development and the use of its skills (communication, social, decision making, time management skills etc.). Last but not least, the paper proposes possible solutions for the identified students' needs with the purpose of increasing the learning motivation of first year students in order to help them complete the degree studies. One of these solutions focuses on career counselling approach in terms of developing to students appropriate socio-emotional skills as support for useful and creative perspectives in their academic and social life.