Over the last decade, online learning has emerged as an increasingly popular alternative to traditional classroom instruction (Larreamendy-Joerns & Leinhardt, 2006). Research in this field has primarily been concerned with the comparison of attitudes and achievements of traditional classroom learners versus online learners (Artino, 2008). Through numerous studies, Cook (2006) summarized five significant points which were uncovered. 'Firstly, adding WBL (web-based learning) to a course usually improves knowledge. Second, WBL is usually as good as traditional courses, and one study found WBL to be more efficient (Bell et al, 2000). Third, WBL is usually well received by learners, and learners usually indicate that they would use it again. Keeping this research in mind, in September 2009, the authors designed and taught two blended undergraduate level Radiographic Anatomy and Physiology Courses which incorporated learning objects, games and activities. Students used tools such as Drag and Drop activities, instant feedback self assessments and games such as crosswords to reinforce the presented online content. Students were also shown embedded videos and participated in weekly discussions. This was considered a pilot project and was used to gauge learner acceptance of online and blended learning strategies for Medical Radiography. Research was conducted to investigate the degree of student acceptance of this different learning approach. Information regarding resources, quality of online content, time and learning object use was researched by anonymous survey at the end of each module and at the end of the course. It was found that students greatly embraced the different learning approach.