Here we report over possible optimizations onboard cruise ships in the management of glass, paper and cellulosic waste, ranging from simple rationalization of the materials' use (for glass and paper) to the recovery of some of the energy embedded in paper and other cellulosic waste. This latter option is investigated considering two possibilities: i) the recovery of thermal energy from incinerator's flue gas by means of an absorption plant, ii) the production of syngas to be directly fed to the ship engines. For each option, we calculated the achievable benefits in terms of reduced fuel consumption, avoided CO2 emissions and cost savings (evaluated on the basis of the avoided fuel consumption). Finally, on the basis of the previously calculated benefits, we defined three different scenarios, each including the rationalization of glass and paper waste management, topped by different combinations of thermal energy recovery/syngas production. We then evaluated these scenarios in terms of environmental and economic benefits. This analysis showed that even trivial approaches, as a simple rationalization of paper consumption, can allow consistent advantages over existing waste management policies; moreover, syngas generators for treating cellulosic waste emerged as very effective tools for lowering the environmental impact of modern cruise ships. Joining these two strategies allows notable savings in terms of fuel, CO2 emissions and ship operational costs, and could represent a path for sizably reducing the environmental footprint of cruise ships. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.