Analysis of the scientific and theoretical foundations of Emotional Intelligence (EI), psychophysiological requirements for the training of the tourism manager revealed its similarity with the philosophy of coaching. On this basis, the hypothesis is put forward - the formation of EI, as an important component of the professional competence of future tourism professionals, can be effective through the usage of coaching technology. The pedagogical experiment has been organized to test it. The scientific and theoretical basis of the experiment is << Bar-On model >>. It determines the coefficient of EI based on a person's possession of 15 abilities. It has been supplemented by the ideas of other scientists having developed the concept of EI. It has been compared with the basic principles of coaching and the requirements for psycho-physiological training of future tourism managers. The experiment was conducted in four stages, the relevant tasks were solved: 1) preparatory stage (development of a program of experimental activities; determination of components, indicators, levels of EI formation); 2) ascertaining stage (diagnostics); 3) formative stage(introduction into the educational process of coaching technology for the EI formation); 4) control stage (re-diagnosis and determination of the effectiveness of the author's model). 25 future masters, who obtained the qualification of "Manager in Tourism" at the Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) took part in the experiment. The special prognostic tools (questionnaire, etc.) were worked out for determination the state of EI formation of participants. It was determined a 5-point scale for measuring results, its key was calculated the sum of points, linear methods of statistics of the calculations. Four main components, indicators and three levels of EI formation were identified for interpretation the diagnostic results. The results of the initial section revealed the dominant average level (65%) of EI formation of future specialists. The main form of the formative experiment was a training seminar. It consisted of 10 classes. It introduced a set of methods, forms, techniques, tools, that were developed creatively on the basis of international experience in coaching technology (exercises, tests, mini-trainings, role playing games). The initial increase has been carried out at the control stage and showed that the indicators of EI formation of future tourism managers at the high level increased 7.5 times, on average decreased 0.7 times, at the low level 6 times. It testifies to the effectiveness of the author's program, that can be widely used in the training of specialists of other specialties.