This study proposed four original concepts - green perceived value, green satisfaction, green trust, and green loyalty - and discussed their relationships. The results showed that enhancing green perceived value, green satisfaction, and green trust of customers can increase their green loyalty. Furthermore, this study demonstrated that green perceived value can not only directly influence green loyalty positively, but also indirectly influence it positively via green satisfaction and green trust. In addition, this study undertook a comparative analysis between the original model and the four competing models. The results indicated that it is imperative to separate green perceived value, green satisfaction, green trust, and green loyalty from perceived value, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. In the environmental era, if companies intend to raise their customers' green loyalty, they need to invest resources to raise their customers' green perceived value, green satisfaction, and green trust, rather than perceived value, satisfaction, and trust. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.