When endoscopic therapy is used for the treatment of patients with painful chronic pancreatitis, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) can be proposed as a first-line approach when obstructive ductal stone(s) induce upstream dilation of the main pancreatic duct. Stone fragmentation by ESWL is followed by endoscopic ductal drainage using pancreatic sphincterotomy, fragmented stone(s) extraction, and pancreatic stenting in case of ductal stricture. After completion of endoscopic pancreatic ductal drainage, long-term clinical benefit can be expected for two thirds of the patients. Best clinical results are associated with absence or cessation of smoking and with early treatment in the course of chronic pancreatitis, while alcohol abuse increases the risks of diabetes, steatorrhea and mortality. The complications of chronic pancreatitis are mainly the development of pseudocyst secondary to the downstream ductal obstruction, and biliary obstruction caused by fibrotic changes in the head of the pancreas. Successful endoscopic pseudocyst drainage is currently obtained in most patients, and carries a low complication rate. Biliary stenting is a safe and effective technique for the short-term treatment of symptomatic bile duct stricture due to chronic pancreatitis, but permanent resolution is obtained in only 25 % of cases. In conclusion, endoscopic management is now considered to be the preferred interventional treatment of chronic pancreatitis, for patients selected on the basis of the anatomical changes caused by the disease. This treatment is generally safe, minimally invasive, often effective for years, does not prevent further surgery, and can be repeated.