Computer literacy or e-skills is one of the recommended competencies for graduateness besides analytical, problem solving, writing skills, social awareness and responsibility skills. The purpose of this research was to investigate the necessity for e-skills assessment of first year university students at an open distance learning institution. The study used an online simulated e-skills assessment to determine the performance of the students and categorize them using a digital proficiency framework. The e-skills assessment consisted of simulated questions relating to the use of Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint presentation, Microsoft Office Excel as well as e-mail and Internet use. The students were categorized based on their performance in the online assessment according to an e-skills proficiency framework with four levels, namely digital awareness, digital literacy, digital competence and digital expertise. Questionnaires were also used to gather information on two dimensions of the participants' perception. Firstly, their perception of their knowledge of of MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint as well as Internet and e-mail use. The second dimension was their perception of the accuracy of the online assessment to evaluate their e-skills. Participants' performance in the e-skills assessment demonstrated that while some users were proficient and can be categorized as digital experts, others lacked the most basic skills required to use computers and were classified in the digital awareness category. The contribution of this paper is to highlight the diverse e-skills competencies among students entering an open distance learning university and its implications. The findings of this study are relevant to e-Learning designers, academics and education policy makers.