Tourism has significant social and economic benefits for rural communities, and tourism policy and legal framework created by government on national, regional and local level are one of the primary factors for the existence and development of tourism in rural areas. The subject of this thesis is tourism policy and legislation concerning the rural tourism in Macedonia, seen through the prism of tourism development strategies and tourism legislative. The thesis provides basic data for the rural tourism in Macedonia such as: historical development, regional distribution of rural tourism, accommodation facilities, number of tourists, rural tourism activities, promotion, tourism law, European Union funds and existence of a government initiatives for rural tourism development. Charts, presenting the governmental bodies responsible for tourism, national tourism development strategies as well as tourism related to legislation, are used for preparing a basic profile of rural tourism in the country. For the purpose of this thesis, we use research methodology and secondary data sources from relevant literature, official tourism development strategies and laws. An analysis and review of tourism strategies and laws have been made, based on systematical evaluation of their actual content using the method of content analysis. The thesis concluding remarks are regarding the structure, past issues and future challenges of rural tourism in Macedonia.