Internal feedback systems are important for the growth of every entity and as Higher Education Institutions are gradually defining new routes for greater accountability and teaching effectiveness, feedback systems provide some answers to improvement in educational outcomes. The design of a school performance feedback system for Higher Education Institutions would ensure that information regarding the performance of the various key stakeholders in the institution have adequate information to help them improve upon performance. School improvement is the main objective for the design of this feedback system but on the other hand the issue of accountability and the promotion of school choice by parents, students and other cooperate bodies who wish to enroll their staff is very important. The content of the information on the school's performance would be identified as broad. Thus, school performance under this context would be a contextualized measure for fair comparison, adjusted to take account of the factors beyond the control of the school which is also termed as 'value added'. The information that would be provided on the functioning of Higher Education Institutions would relate to organisational and school-process measures such as resource spent, subject matter taught, the instructional method used, the structure of the organizational structure of the institution and the nature of school leadership. Overall, the design of the School Performance Feedback System provides Higher Education Institutions and other stakeholders with a model that informs instructors and school management with learners' and 'post learners' conceptions about teaching and learning. The design makes use of a systematic approach with consist of six blocks which define the processes of collating, organizing, analysing and reproducing information about students' performance during and after schooling. This process takes into consideration other features such as the level of performance, the innovation attitude and capacity, level of organisational learning, new skills and allocation of resources to innovation activities that are drawn from the feedback analysis.