In breast conserving surgery, the tumor should be removed with a clean margin, a rim of healthy tissue surrounding. Failure to achieve clean margins in the initial surgery results in a re-excision procedure. Re-excision rates are reported as being 11-46% for invasive carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Re-excisions can have negative consequences such as increased postoperative infections, negative impact on cosmesis, patient anxiety and increased medical costs. Therefore, the surgical margin of invasive and intraductal (DCIS) breast tissue is a subject of intense discussion. Different options for intraoperative assessment are available, but all in all, they are unsatisfying. Frozen section margin examination is possible but is time consuming and restricted to the assessment of invasive carcinoma. In the case of DCIS, there is no procedure for intraoperative margin assessment. Thus, a solution for efficient intraoperative surgical margin assessment is needed. For this purpose, an innovative, real-time, intraoperative margin-assessment device (MarginProbe (R), Dune Medical Devices, Caesarea, Israel) was designed, and recent published clinical data reported a reduction of re-excisions by more than 50%.