This paper reviews various bulk-type cloud microphysics parameterizations (BCMPs). BCMP, predicting the moments of size distribution of hydrometeors, parameterizes the grid-resolved cloud and precipitation processes in atmospheric models. The generalized gamma distribution is mainly applied to represent the hydrometeors size distribution in BCMPs. BCMP can be divided in three different methods such as single-moment, double-moment, and triple-moment approaches depending on the number of prognostic variables. Single-moment approach only predicts the hydrometeors mixing ratio. Double-moment approach predicts not only the hydrometeors mixing ratio but also the hydrometeors number concentration. Triple-moment approach predicts the dispersion parameter of hydrometeors size distribution through the prognostic reflectivity, together with the number concentrations and mixing ratios of hydrometeors. Triple-moment approach is the most time expensive method because it has the most number of prognostic variables. However, this approach can allow more flexibility in representing hydrometeors size distribution relative to single-moment and double-moment approaches. At the early stage of the development of BMCPs, warm rain processes were only included. Ice-phase categories such as cloud ice, snow, graupel, and hail were included in BCMPs with prescribed properties for densities and sedimentation velocities of ice-phase hydrometeors since 1980s. Recently, to avoid fixed properties for ice-phase hydrometeors and ad-hoc category conversion, the new approach was proposed in which rimed ice and deposition ice mixing ratios are predicted with total ice number concentration and volume.