The Special Issue of Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities focuses on the performance of timber and hybrid structures. There are 15 technical papers exploring the actual performance of timber systems and a number of innovative hybrid applications. ASCE's Technical Council on Forensic Engineering (TCFE) is planning the Seventh Forensic Engineering Congress, to be held in New York City in 2015. The International Association of Protective Structures (IAPS) will sponsor the Third International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS3) in Newcastle, Australia, on February 3-6, 2015. The IF CRASC'15 Congress, hosted by the Italian Association of Forensic Engineering, will be held in Rome, Italy, on May 14-16, 2015. Meanwhile, the ASCE journals program has adopted a single-article publishing model called Just Released. Once accepted, a paper receives a production check within a few days, and after any outstanding author queries are resolved, the paper is sent for copyediting and typesetting.