Pomological characterization of loquat genotypes was performed in 2018-2021. The study characterized 70 genotypes with a fruit weight of 20 g and above. The fruit weights acquired were 21.36-48.51 g, fruit width 23.51-45.40 mm, fruit length 23.73-42.25 mm, fruit volume 10.78-41.00 cm(3), seed number 1.20-5.20 piece, seed weight 1.25-4.96 g, fruit cluster weight 28.15-452.82 g, fruit number in cluster 2.00-13.83 piece, seed volume 0.93-3.62 cm(3), pulp ratio 83.29-96.38%, seed ratio 3.62-16.71%, shape index 0.85-1.26 and pulp/seed ratio 4.99-27.52%. When the loquat genotypes were examined in terms of fruit shape in the longitudinal section, two of the genotypes (3%) were elliptic, 20 of them (28.5%) were broad elliptic, 31 of them (44.3%) were round, 13 of them were flat/oblate (18.5%), and four of them (5.7%) were broad obovate fruits, while in the case of cross-section, 38 (54%) genotypes were found to be slightly angular, four (6%) strongly angular, and 28 (40%) round. In conclusion, while considering the multivariate analysis results of the research, there are significant variations in the pomological attributes among the genotypes in the evaluated population. Such attributes can significantly affect market quality and export potential of loquat fruit. Therefore, those genotypes (respectively, GN 69 and GN 50) could be consider as superior for further evaluations in order to possibly realise new cultivars.