The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the integration politics of Germany and iden-tifies the features of its implementation, considers the history of migration processes in Ger-many, as well as the current migration situation. The migration politics of Germany and the measures taken by the German authorities to implement integration programs for immigrants are analyzed. The problems of integration of immigrants in modern conditions are deter-mined. The sociocultural integration of immigrants is described taking into account their cultural and ethnic characteristics. An analysis is made of the problems and difficulties that arise during the adaptation of immigrants in German society. To achieve the goal, a number of methods were used, such as: the historical method, which made it possible to trace the stages of development of the German integration politics and to identify the factors that influenced the formation of the integration politics of modern immigrants; the method of statistical anal-ysis that made it possible to determine the extent of immigration; method of system analysis, to obtain a holistic view of the current migration situation in Germany. Undoubtedly, the topic of migration, integration and adaptation of immigrants remains very relevant, especially for a united Europe. In Germany, a large number of the state reforms have been carried out to strengthen the effectiveness of the regulation of immigration flows and the implementation of integration politics. It seems, the experience of implementing the migration politics, the difficulties that had to be overcome along the way, and the results that Germany managed to achieve, which, thanks to the implementation of the politics of hospitality and open doors, became one of the countries with an extremely large number of immigrants, can be useful and interesting for other countries.