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Strategies for mainstreaming nature-based solutions in urban governance capacities in ten European cities
Holscher, Katharina
Frantzeskaki, Niki
Collier, Marcus John
Connop, Stuart
Kooijman, Esmee D.
Lodder, Marleen
Mcquaid, Siobhan
Vandergert, Paula
Xidous, Dimitra
Beslagic, Lejla
Dick, Gillian
Dumitru, Adina
Dziubala, Agnieszka
Fletcher, Isobel
Adank, Cristian Garcia-Espina
Vazquez, Maria Gonzalez
Madajczyk, Natalia
Malekkidou, Eleni
Mavroudi, Maria
Loizou, Eleftherios
Osipiuk, Agnieszka
Pasic, Belma
Gonzalez, Antonio Prieto
Quartier, Mien
Schepers, Selina
Suljevic, Nermina
Trendafilov, Ivaylo
van de Sijpe, Katrien
Velikova, Velichka
Vos, Peter
[1] Univ Utrecht, Fac Geosci, Dept Human Geog & Spatial Planning, Spatial Planning Sect, Princetonlaan 8a, NL-3584 CB Utrecht, Netherlands
[2] Erasmus Univ, Fac Social & Behav Sci, DRIFT, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, NL-3062 PA Rotterdam, Netherlands
[3] Trinity Coll Dublin, Trinity Coll Dublin, Sch Nat Sci, Dept Bot, Dublin 2, Ireland
[4] Univ East London, Sustainabil Res Inst SRI, 4-6 Univ Way, London ME7 3QY, England
[5] Trinity Coll Dublin, Trinity Business Sch, Ctr Social Innovat, Dublin 2, Ireland
[6] Hamdije Kresevljakov 3, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia & Herceg
[7] Glasgow City Council, Dev Plan Grp Neighbourhoods Regenerat & Sustainabi, Res & Dev, 231 George St, Glasgow G1 1RX, Scotland
[8] Fac Educ Sci, Dept Psychol, Campus Elvina, La Coruna 15071, Spain
[9] Project Coordinat & Urban Regenerat Off, Poznan City Hall, Poznan, Poland
[10] Horizon Nua, 1 0 Pembroke St Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland
[11] Promalaga SA, Empresa Municipal Iniciat & Act Empresariales Mala, Plaza Jesus Rico 1, Malaga 29012, Spain
[12] A Coruna City Council, Pza Maria Pita 1, La Coruna 15001, Spain
[13] Nicosia Dev Agcy ANEL, 7 Megalou Alexandrou, CY-2233 Nicosia, Cyprus
[14] Karaoli & Dimitriou 1, Thessaloniki 56430, Greece
[15] Sarajevo Econ Reg Dev Agcy SERDA, Kolodvorska 6, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia & Herceg
[16] Dept Environm & Sustainable Dev, Stadspl 1, B-3600 Genk, Belgium
[17] 26 Alexandrovska St, Burgas, Bulgaria
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X [环境科学、安全科学];
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This paper explores the institutional mainstreaming of nature-based solutions (NBS) to advance a process-based understanding about how to strategically develop the governance capacities needed for systemic, localised and inclusive NBS. To this end, it reports how policy officers in ten European cities have started to mainstream NBS by interacting with and changing incumbent governance arrangements when experimenting with novel governance processes and mechanisms to plan, deliver and steward NBS. Based on these activities of the policy officers, the analysis identifies three strategies, associated stepping stones and changes in governance conditions, to mainstream NBS in governance capacities: institutionalising (a) a systems' approach to link NBS to policies, regulations, and departments across goals and sectors, (b) inclusive collaborations for localised and inclusive interventions, and (c) reflexivity and learning about how NBS interact with the (institutional, ecological, social, etc.) contexts and create impacts. The strategies illustrate institutional entrepreneurship in interacting with incumbent governance contexts, and how starting from NBS as a type of systemic innovation can promote broader shifts in urban governance arrangements.