The article examines a new discourse of public administration development, involving the interaction of government and society in choice of management decisions. The article analyzes the activities of existing public institutions formed on the principles of voluntary participation of representatives of civil society in public administration. It is shown that the effectiveness of the activities of these institutions is very limited, and actual absence of significant influence on their decisions-making power levels off the economic and social effects from public discussions, taking into account public opinion. The modern trend in the development of public administration is considered. It consists in the transition to collective principles of administrative decision-making at all levels of the political and economic system. It is shown that digitalization of management processes, new digital institutions and technologies of interaction with civil society create additional opportunities for all stakeholders, including the stage of initiating economic strategies. Conceptual approaches to the expansion of the concept of << public administration >>, including the new subjects in the management process to achieve compromise and balance of public interests are proposed. As a result of the gradual expansion of the participation of civil society institutions in the decision-making process, the development of the principles of << positive cooperation >>, prerequisites will be formed to limit the possibility of erroneous decisions and, as a result, to increase the efficiency of public administration.