Objectives Despite the existence of a legislative framework, palliative care and hospice support in nursing homes vary widely. Although most nursing homes have palliative care concepts by now, they are rarely integrated into everyday practice. This study aims to examine differences in palliative and hospice care and to determine the causes of discrepancies between theoretical framework and everyday practice. Methods Based on a pilot project, in depth structural and process analyses of two nursing homes in urban and rural areas in North Rhine-Westphalia were conducted. In addition, three nursing homes of an extended group of providers as well as an expert advisory board was included to minimize (provider-) specific characteristics and to expand findings. Results Although the proportion of palliative residents and their average age was comparable, analyses revealed significant differences between the nursing homes regarding the palliative length of stay (213.2 days vs. 88.6 days) as well as the mortality rate of palliative residents among all death cases (26 % vs. 63.6 %). Furthermore, internal processes within the nursing homes differed vastly despite similar concepts and procedural instructions. As a result, palliative care formally started at an earlier stage in nursing home X. Besides that, the identification of palliative care situations, as well as communication, organizational processes and the inclusion of cooperation partners, took place without fixed structures and was based on the subjective handling of staff members in both facilities. Conclusions It turns out to be challenging for nursing homes to implement theoretical framework into everyday practice. To facilitate this process, aside from practicable assessments, defined responsibilities and organizational support, financing concepts at health policy level need to be established.