Purpose This study aimed to examine the effect of age on the mechanical properties, muscle size, and muscle quality in the upper and lower limb and trunk muscles. Methods We evaluated the shear modulus (G), muscle thickness (MT), and echo intensity (EI) of the upper and lower limb and trunk muscles of 83 healthy women (21-83-year-old). The G values of some limb muscles were measured in relaxed and stretched positions. Results Regarding the effect of age on G at the distinct positions, the G of the upper limb muscles were not significantly correlated with age in the relaxed and stretched positions. In contrast, the G of the iliacus showed a significant negative correlation in both positions. Additionally, the G of the rectus femoris had a significant negative correlation only in the relaxed position. Regarding differences among body parts, the G of the lower limb and oblique abdominal muscles showed a significant negative correlation, but no correlation in the upper limb, rectus abdominis, and back muscles. Moreover, MT showed a significant negative correlation with age in the lower limb, abdominal, and erector spinae muscles, but no correlation was detected in the upper limb and lumbar multifidus muscles. EI had a significant positive correlation in all the muscles. Conclusion The effect of age on G depended on body parts, and the G of the lower limb and oblique abdominal muscles negatively associated with age. Additionally, G in the relaxed position may be more susceptible to aging than G in the stretched position.